Friday, October 11, 2013

Back to the Script!

Where I've been

I've been sick for the past six days. It's been terrible. Not only have I had to deal with work, school, and walking tons of dogs, but I've been unable to put pen to paper for nearly a month. All of my energy has gone to school projects, and trust me, there hasn't been a lot to go around.

What's going on?

The project pool has been pretty warm lately. I didn't mean for that to sound weird, but I meant it in a "the water's fine" kind of way, not a gross way. Although the DayQuil version of me might think otherwise. The bottom line is that I'm working on some exciting stuff with some fabulous artists. I should have something to show off soon, and the pitches will be rolling out by the end of the year.

Just comic book pitches?

Nope! I'm actually going to be doing some fully creator-owned projects with some of my friends and collaborators. There are a few projects that need to be worked out, because people have hectic schedules, but despite being sent out as pitches they'll be fully realized. I don't want to tease too much, so I'll just say that they're awesome and you should be on the edge of your seat.

. . .

I guess I didn't do a great job of not teasing, did I?

Writing lately

My time has been focused more on writing prose lately for my classes. I'm a Writing Major at a Michigan university, so churning out stories is in the job description. I recently did my first big workshop and it was a huge success. I received some wonderful feedback and it made me feel like my prose was headed in the right direction again. Too much scripting can really take your prose down a peg or two, so it's important to shift back every once and a while to keep both sides sharpened.

When will you see some stuff?

Hopefully soon. Really, my collaborators and I are trying to balance our lives and our comics careers. I'm very happy to announce that they're doing extraordinarily well in that department, so kudos to them all!

I'll make sure to post some more content soon. Including my banner designs for comic conventions next year!

That's right, I'll actually have tables next year!

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