Hello everyone!
So I know that I haven't updated this blog in a while . . . I'm sorry.
The good news is that I've been incredibly busy with furthering my career, so I think I deserve some bonus points in that area.
I've been getting a ton of freelance work, my independent projects are all nearly ready for the pitch phase, and working with companies like Viper and Visionary is teaching me about the comic book industry by leaps and bounds. You can really learn a diverse amount of information from working with a publisher (Viper) and a studio (Visionary).
Where am I exactly with everything?
Here's the rundown:
1. Violent Skies is nearly ready to be pitched. I've gotten a whole new set of pages from the new script of the first issue and they're all amazing. Once the new cover is done we'll spend the summer pitching the series to multiple publishers. Here's hoping we start a bidding war.
2. Another artist and I are putting a pitch together for a one-shot in the same story style as BPRD or Hellblazer. When there's more to discuss, I'll post it here.
3. Yet ANOTHER artist and I are putting together another 6-issue mini-series in the style of tournament manga that both celebrates and spoofs on it a little bit.
4. I'm working on a novella with a wonderful friend of mine who makes very rockin' music. It's a companion story to a rock opera he's written.
5. I'm also writing an OGN that I hope to either get an agent with (in very rare cases) or publish within the next couple of years. It's an attempt to blend my knack for writing slice-of-life and my love of science fiction.
6. I nearly forgot, but it should be mentioned that I do have ANOTHER one-shot that I'll be producing with a very talented person I've worked with before.
On top of all of this I'll be starting school at the end of August and still working. I'm essentially going to be committing social suicide.
I'll make sure to keep my friends and peers updated.
Finally, Sequential Review is going like gangbusters. Every day I get more views and more messages from people who enjoy it. There's just one problem -- I can't do it forever. The farther I progress as a writer, the less ethically positive I feel about writing reviews about other writers.
My solution? Sequential Review is eventually going to become an essay website about sequential storytelling where I'll dispense free advice about comic book creation and my views on the medium.
Keep reading and I promise not to disappoint. At least not to the point where you'd want to hit me.
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