It's been a really long time since I updated on here, so I thought I should start using this blog a little bit more. Con season is upon me and I need to keep this site fresh and new so that my business cards don't direct people who a whole lot of nothing.
I've been working really hard for Visionary Comics as a Social Media Marketing Associate (fancy title). It's an aspect of the business I never really saw myself in, but it has some advantages in mixing creativity with business.
They say don't mix business with pleasure, but that always worked out well for James Bond.
Writing has been slow going. School has taken up way too much of my time to the point where I'm starting to get mad at it a little bit. I like the idea of having a Bachelor's Degree from GVSU, but I don't like the idea of my time being wasted so much with extra general education classes.
The actual stories I've gotten to write lately have been shorts that I plan on submitting to anthologies. Let's hope and pray that goes somewhere.
Meanwhile there's been some great progress with creators that I've seen come up in the world of comics in the past year. Mainly writer Justin Jordan (of Luther Strode fame), who is now killing it as a writer for DC. It was just announced that he'll be taking the new Deathstroke title, which I think will work well with his edgy writing style.
Congrats to him and anyone else who has progressed in the past year. If so, I'd love to hear with you and swap stories. I know I never would have guessed my resume would grow so much in twelve months. Let's have a beer sometime and talk it over.
James Bo -- er . . .
Ken Porter.
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