Monday, March 31, 2014

Project Update: BLUSTER #1

Things are coming along nicely with Bluster, the mini-series I'm putting together with artist Andy Budnick. The inks are coming back with a gorgeous finish, and I'm trying my hand at lettering. Once I get some sample lettered pages I'll post them here for the world to see.

We plan on pitching after the first five pages and the cover are finished. But Andy and I have solid plans to finish the whole series, even if it doesn't get picked up.


Because, as a writer or an artist, it's important to finish the things you start. I've written horrible novels and then tossed them in the dumpster afterwards, but I was proud that I finished them.

I'm happy to say this won't be one of those projects.

And so, sleepy and fueled by coffee, I carry on. I just hope college doesn't get in the way of making comics too much.

Biggby and MMPR are not official Kenny Porter sponsors

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