Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Good Day to Script

Today was going to be the day I got caught up on all the writing that I wanted to do. Sadly that wasn't the case. My best friend Brandon needed help moving and I was happy to oblige. The increased heat, humidity, and skill needed to guide a trailer on a truck (all Brandon by the way) really took a lot out of me. Maybe I'm just getting older, but I can't do as much things in a single day as I used to.

But against all odds I got scripting done today!

Currently starting Page Five of the script (yes, I use a MacBook, don't judge)

I'm currently writing the script for a proposed series with the very talented Andy Budnick ( who recently designed the poster for C3 (Cherry Capital Con) in Traverse City, Michigan.

Andy's Batman poster

The story I'm working on for him is a little more action-oriented than our usual stuff, but I think it'll be a grand experiment for both his art and my writing style.

I'm also going to be updating this site more regularly and plan to get a little bit more fancy with the overall design.

I'll also keep everyone posted on the status of my Top Cow project from the 2012 Talent Hunt!

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