Thursday, May 30, 2013

C3 Trip this Weekend & Working on Pitches

I went to C3 (Cherry Capital Con) last weekend and had an absolute blast. I met a ton of great creators and made some new friends. The best part about going to conventions and talking with other artists and writers is that it really supercharges your drive to work on your own material. Because of my little trip I've been working even harder to get pitches ready for some of the stories currently knocking around in my brain.

The sad thing is that I was only at the show for one night, right as the con was closing. I hope to go next year and spend the whole weekend. Right now I'm working on a comprehensive list of all the cons I'm going to be attending from now until the end of the season.

Until then I want to say thank you again to everyone I met. You were all lots of fun to hang out with and I hope we can do it again sometime!

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